Monday, October 22, 2012

English 110 Reflection

Prompt: How are you finding the reading assignments and reading load so far for the course? How are you creating space in your schedule to complete readings and journal entries on time? If you are not, what can you change? What have you most enjoyed reading? What has been difficult for you and how might you overcome these difficulties?

So far the reading assignments have been very interesting. Many of them, like Fun Home was quite controversial, which helps a little bit to keep a reader interested. The reading load is more extensive than any class I have ever taken, but I think that it will help me in the long run. I never used to read outside of class and school, but this class almost forces you to keep your brain fresh by reading almost every day. This class is one of the hardest classes I am taking so its easy for me to make time because its one of my top priorities. Sometimes blogging get interfered with and forgotten but eventually it gets completed. There is not much that I would change because I think that what I am doing is working very well for me. The piece that I enjoyed reading most so far was probably Martin Luther King Jr's letter from Birmingham Jail. I tend to be more of historical reader and I enjoy things with historical values behind them. The only thing that has been really difficult for me is writing the papers. I'm not exactly a world class writer but I do what I can to make it acceptable. More practice writing woud probably help improve my writing skills.

-- Shane Wilson


  1. So far I've found most of the readings interesting as well. Like you said Shane, many of them deal with controversial topics, which I think is beneficial to us because there are not many opportunities to talk about these subject outside of class. The reading load is fair and not too difficult to have done for class. I agree that the difficult thing is always remembering to blog or comment, and fill out the index card for every reading. To get these done I try to get everything done as early as possible while it is fresh in my brain. I wouldn't change my schedule either because it has been working, and our group communicates well. My favorite reading so far has actually been Fun Home because I've never read a graphic novel, and I think it is a better experience seeing pictures along with the words.

  2. I agree with both Shane and Jordan that the reading assignments are very interesting since they tend to be slightly more controversial. I am finding that the topics discussed are closely related to some of the other classes, and it is very helpful to make these connections. I think the reading load is actually pretty light compared to the English classes I took in high school. It is never really a struggle to complete the assignments for me, which is great. Since I am enjoying the readings, they feel more leisurely to me. My favorite reading so far has probably been Precious, because it was personally the most eye-opening. What has been somewhat difficult for me in the class is relying on members to do their blog posts. I think that as a group we have done pretty well at posting, but it's a little frustrating and stressful to wait for whoever is supposed to be posting to actually post. I think that we all need to realize that we have to give other group members time to comment on the posts, so we should try to have the blogs up the night before class at the latest.

